| Tara Langdale
VuVa Vaginal Dilators on Netflix's Sex Education Show
Well what a surprise!!! A few months back I received an email from the props department on the Sex Education show on Netflix. They asked if we could send them a vaginal dilator set for their show. I couldn't say yes fast enough!


We are so happy that Vaginismus and other pelvic pain conditions are being explained on mainstream media!
If you think you have a pelvic pain condition, visit a pelvic pain specialist. Most of the time a normal doctor is not going to be able to help you. There are also pelvic floor physical therapists. Here are links to pelvic pt locators all over the world.
Also, if you want to start Vaginal Dilator therapy, you can visit our site at www.vuvatech.com.
Vuva dilators sets are used to regenerate vaginal capacity, expand the vaginal walls, add elasticity to the tissues, and to allow for comfortable sexual intercourse. VuVa Magnetic Dilators are smooth lightweight plastic, that come in a variety of graduated sizes. In a clinical trial conducted by Chief Investigator and Pelvic Pain Specialist Dr. Michael Swor in Sarasota, FL, it was shown that VuVa Neodymium Magnetic Dilators reduced pain in 80% of study subjects with no side effects reported. Neodymium Magnets are within each dilator that increase blood flow and relieve sexual discomfort while soft tissue lengthens, relaxing muscles and ligaments. As the tissue relaxes, the Neodymium magnets increase blood flow to the painful area calming nerves. VuVa™ Dilators are the only patented dilators available with Neodymium magnets.
VuVa dilators are also available on the StressNoMore site in the UK as well as www.vuvatech.com
Other VuVa Helpful Links:
7 Reasons for a Tight Vagina and How to Loosen
How to Relax Vaginal Muscles, Vaginismus & Sex
Vaginal Stretching - Keeping in Shape with Dilators
Do Dilators Really Work? Yes, and They can Improve Your Sex Life!
Shop for VuVa Vaginal Dilators