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APTA Section on Womens Health - USA and Wallace - USA
United States and some International. Pelvic health education company and list of Pelvic Physical Therapists who have taken courses and submitted info.
Pelvic Pain Providers on the Flower Empowered
The Interstitial Cystitis Association (Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome) Healthcare providers who treat painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis. When you register, you receive access.
Find Pelvic Physiotherapists in Canada by Pelvic Health Solutions (click on Ontario picture or other provinces picture)
Pudendal Hope Site: Pelvic Pain and Pudendal Neuralgia Directory of Doctors International from (Patient advocates)
Pelvic Pain and Pudendal Neuralgia Directory of Pelvic Physical Therapists International from (patient advocates)
Pelvic Pain and Prostatitis Directory – International. Primarily Pelvic Physical Therapists and other manual therapists who submitted their information to this resource
Coccyx Pain List of Doctors and Specialists – International. From the site owner: “Here are lists of surgeons, orthopedic specialists, manual therapists, and other practitioners who have been recommended by coccyx pain patients or who are the authors of medical papers on the subject of treating coccydynia. In some cases the specialists have put their own names forward for inclusion on this list” Many people on this list treat other pelvic pain conditions as well.
American Urogynecologic Society (AUGS) Provider Directory. United States and Canada.
** This link is supposed to be easier to navigate with more tools and easy provider access for those with bladder, bowel, or pelvic organ issues or concerns. Voices for PFD /AUGS
Endometriosis Specialists. International (It is crucial to find a specialist in Endometriosis versus someone who does general GYN surgery)
Map and List of Surgeons Who Specialize in Endometriosis. International.
National Vulvodynia Association (Only available to members)
Australian Physiotherapy Association Find a Physio
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists Directory. Certified Sexual Health Professionals
Pelvic Pain Help List – A local Australian Physicians and Physiotherapist resource list