| Tara Langdale

Breaking the Taboo: Exploring the Benefits of Vaginal Dilators by VuVa Dilator Company

Vaginal dilators. For many, these two simple words are laden with stigma, discomfort, and evasiveness. Yet, they represent an essential tool for women's health, sexual well-being, and recovery. Unfortunately, the taboo around discussing vaginal dilators often obscures their many benefits, leaving those who might benefit undeterred. It's high time we shatter these walls of stigma and misinformation to reveal the significant advantages these devices can offer. In this comprehensive guide, we'll uncover the meaning and mechanics behind vaginal dilators, delve into the plethora of benefits they can bring to women's lives, and offer a practical 'how-to' for effectively incorporating them into your health regime.

Understanding Vaginal Dilators

Vaginal dilators are tube-shaped devices used to stretch the vagina, often as part of a pelvic floor therapy regimen or post-surgery recovery. They come in sets of graduated sizes to accommodate a gradual increase in width over time. This simple yet effective design allows for controlled, gentle dilation, helping to alleviate pain, improve muscle tone, and restore elasticity to the vaginal tissues.

How Vaginal Dilators Work

The basic principle involves the insertion of the dilator into the vagina to gradually stretch the pelvic floor muscles and vaginal walls. This process can be instrumental in various medical contexts, such as recovering from pelvic surgery, mitigating the effects of pelvic radiation therapy, or addressing psychosexual discomfort related to vaginismus or dyspareunia. The controlled practice of inserting and removing the dilator helps desensitize nerve endings and assure the body that penetration can be comfortable and safe.

Benefits of Vaginal Dilators

Pain Management and Relief

For women who experience vaginal pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia), after childbirth, or due to conditions such as vulvodynia or atrophy, vaginal dilators can offer a path to pain management and eventual relief. By gently working through the process of dilation over time, these devices help to desensitize the nerve receptors in the vagina, reduce muscle tension, and promote the healing of scar tissue, ultimately leading to a decrease in pain sensations during intercourse or other activities.

Improving Sexual Function and Pleasure

Women who find penetrative sexual activities painful or challenging can often feel a reduction in their libido or overall satisfaction in their intimate relationships. Vaginal dilators can be used to help reduce muscular tension and increase comfort during sexual intercourse, potentially leading to a renewed sense of intimacy and pleasure.

Addressing Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD) encompasses a wide range of disorders that occur when the muscles of the pelvic floor are either too tense or too weak. Vaginal dilators can be an effective component of therapy for conditions such as vaginismus, levator ani syndrome, and hypertonic pelvic floor muscles. The controlled dilation process helps women to regain control over their pelvic floor muscles, which can significantly improve symptoms of urinary and anal incontinence, pelvic pain, and other related issues.

Facilitating Vaginal Rehabilitation and Recovery

After pelvic surgeries, such as hysterectomy or gender confirmation surgery, maintaining or restoring vaginal length and elasticity is essential. Vaginal dilators are often recommended post-operatively to prevent vaginal agglutination, keep the vagina open, and allow for proper healing. With consistent use as directed by a healthcare professional, dilators can support a smoother recovery and help to optimize long-term outcomes.

How to Use Vaginal Dilators

Using vaginal dilators may seem daunting at first, but with the right approach, it can become a valuable self-care practice. Here's a full step-by-step guide to help you use vaginal dilators safely and effectively:

  1. Choose the Right Size: Start with the smallest dilator, or the one that is recommended for your particular situation by a healthcare provider.
  2. Prepare: Find a comfortable, relaxing space where you can lie down and focus on your breathing. Use a water-based lubricant to ensure a smooth insertion.
  3. Insertion: In a gentle, relaxed state, slowly insert the dilator into the vagina, as far as you can comfortably manage without pain.
  4. Hold in Place: Once the dilator is inserted, hold it in place and perform deep breathing exercises to further relax the pelvic floor muscles.
  5. Remove Gradually: When you are ready, remove the dilator gently, avoiding any sudden movements that might cause discomfort.
  6. Clean and Store: After each use, clean the dilator with mild soap and water, rinse thoroughly, and store in a clean, dry place.

It's important to note that the process of using dilators is meant to be comfortable, never painful. If you experience discomfort, stop and consult with a healthcare professional to adjust your therapy as needed. You should be seeing a pelvic floor therapist to aid you with your dilating treatment. Here is a pelvic therapist locator.

Addressing Concerns and Misconceptions

The use of vaginal dilators can be surrounded by many myths and misconceptions, often rooted in the discomfort of the topic. Debunking these misunderstandings is critical to empowering women to access the care they need without shame or fear.

Misconception: Dilators Are Only for Post-Surgery Therapy

While it's true that vaginal dilators are often recommended as part of recovery from gynecological or gender-affirming surgeries, their usefulness extends much further. They can be beneficial for a wide range of pelvic floor conditions, psychosexual disorders, and even for maintaining vaginal health as women age.

Misconception: Dilators Are a 'One-Size-Fits-All' Solution

Dilators come in a variety of sizes for a reason. Each woman is different, and the size of the dilator needed depends on factors such as age, anatomy, and the condition being treated. It's crucial to work with a healthcare provider to select the right size for your body and needs.

Misconception: Using Vaginal Dilators Means Something Is 'Wrong' With You

Needing to use a vaginal dilator does not mean there is anything inherently wrong with you. Just as one might use exercise equipment to rehabilitate a knee after surgery, vaginal dilators are a tool used to strengthen or rehabilitate a specific area of the body. They are simply part of a holistic approach to health and well-being.


The conversation around vaginal dilators is long overdue for a shift. Instead of being a topic relegated to doctors visits, the use of dilators should be embraced openly and without judgment. When used correctly and under the guidance of a healthcare professional, vaginal dilators can offer a multitude of benefits, including pain relief, improved sexual function, and a pathway to pelvic floor health and rehabilitation.

The first step in unlocking these benefits is removing the taboo associated with this essential health aid. Empowerment through education and conversation is the key. As we move towards greater acceptance and understanding, we open the doors to a world where women can access the resources they need for their health and well-being, free from the chains of societal discomfort. It's time to break the taboo and embrace the benefits of vaginal dilators for the sake of women's health everywhere.

Frequently Asked Questions: Vaginal Dilators

What are vaginal dilators?

Vaginal dilators are medical devices designed to gently stretch the vaginal walls. They come in different sizes and are usually recommended by healthcare providers.

What is a vaginal dilator used for?

Dilators are used to address certain medical conditions that cause vaginal tightness or pain. They can help with post-surgical recovery, menopause-related changes, vaginismus, or dyspareunia (painful intercourse).

Where can I get a vaginal dilator?

Vaginal dilators are available at medical supply stores, some pharmacies, and online. Your healthcare practitioner may also suggest where to obtain one. You can order dilators discreetly at vuvatech.com.

How do you choose a vaginal dilator?

Choosing a dilator depends on your individual needs and comfort level. Start with a size recommended by your healthcare provider and consider features like material (silicone or plastic), size progression, and ease of use. Plastic Magnetic dilators create more resistance, in turn stretching the muscles more effectively. 

VuVa Magnetic Dilators are used to regenerate vaginal capacity, expand the vaginal walls, add elasticity to the tissues, and to allow for comfortable sexual intercourse.

How do you put a vaginal dilator in?

Insertion should always follow your healthcare provider's instructions. Generally, you should lubricate the dilator and insert it gently, at your own pace, while breathing deeply to relax the pelvic floor muscles. 

What size dilator do I use?

Begin with the smallest size that feels comfortable and gradually progress to larger sizes as recommended by your therapist or physician. Here is a guide to help you choose your size. 

How long should you keep a vaginal dilator in?

The time spent using a dilator varies per individual case but usually ranges from 5 to 30 minutes. Consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

What are the benefits of vaginal dilators?

Benefits include increased vaginal elasticity, reduced discomfort during intercourse, and improved confidence and sexual health.

What are the side effects of using a vaginal dilator?

When used correctly, side effects are minimal but may include temporary discomfort or soreness. Dilators are a very safe treatment when instructions are followed. 

How long do dilators take to work?

The time frame varies due to severity of difference conditions, but consistent use often yields improvements within weeks to several months. It's important to be patient and adhere to the prescribed routine.

What conditions might benefit from vaginal dilators?

Conditions such as vaginismus, vaginal atrophy, dyspareunia, vulvodynia, and certain cancer treatments or surgeries may benefit from dilator use.

What type of vaginal dilators are right for me?

This depends on personal preference and the specific medical condition being treated. Discuss your options with a healthcare professional.

Vaginal Dilators: Silicone or Plastic?

Silicone dilators are more flexible, while plastic ones hold their shape and slide and in out with more ease. Your choice may depend on comfort, ease of use, and medical advice.

How do vaginal dilators help with painful sex?

Dilators help by improving the elasticity of the vaginal muscles, allowing for more comfortable penetration.

Choosing The Right Vaginal Dilator

Consider factors like size progression and your specific therapeutic needs when selecting a dilator. VuVa Dilator Company as the smallest starting dilator on the market at .375 inches wide. 

What makes a dilator different from a dildo?

A dilator is a therapeutic medical device designed specifically for stretching and strengthening the vaginal muscles, whereas a dildo is a sex toy meant for pleasure. A medical dilator set moved up gradually in size in small increments. 

Do you need a pelvic floor PT or can you DIY with dilators?

It is recommended to work with a pelvic floor physical therapist for tailored exercises and proper guidance, though some may manage with self-instruction at home. Some doctors do not tell their patients about pelvic floor dilator therapy, so it is your choice to start your safe dilating treatment. 

Can you just use your fingers instead of a dilator?

Fingers can be used initially for stretching, but not recommended. Dilators offer a broader range of sizes and a more structured therapy process.

How do I know if I should use a silicone or hard plastic dilator?

Your healthcare provider can help you decide based on your condition, need for flexibility, and personal comfort preferences. Plastic tends to be more firm and rigid, which may help stretch your vagina.

How long does it take for dilator therapy to help ease the symptoms of vaginismus?

Some report relief within weeks, while others may need a longer period. Consistency and patience are key, and results can vary depending on the severity of the condition.

VuVa Dilators on Netflix!

Well what a surprise!!! A few years back we received an email from the props department on the Sex Education show on Netflix. They asked if we could send them a vaginal dilator set for their show. We couldn't say yes fast enough! 

Checkout Sex Education on Netflix: Season 2 Episode 8