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  • Size 6 Neodymium Magnetic  Vuvatech
  • Size 6 Neodymium Magnetic  Vuvatech
  • Size 6 Neodymium Magnetic  Vuvatech

Size 6 Neodymium Magnetic

  • 36.40 USD
  • 52.00 USD

VuVa Neodymium Magnetic Pelvic Support Sets are a home solution to support pelvic health and a positive sexual wellness routine. When you use a VuVa Magnetic Set, the Neodymium magnets help support healthy circulation and relaxation to improve sexual wellness. VuVa™ Pelvic Support Sets are the only patented sets available with Neodymium magnets inside.  

Our products are made in the USA. Designed by Tara Langdale in 2014, the VuVa Magnetic Sets have helped over 150,000 women and men.

* Please read our Product Contraindications Page before purchase

Brand: VuVatech - BPA Free Medical Grade Plastic

FDA Manufacturing Facility Registration Number: Apollo Plastics - 3010032115

Country: Made in Florida, USA

Product Information: Size 6 Neodymium Magnetic. Product includes instructions, travel pouch and Slippery Stuff Lubricant samples.

Length: 6 Inches

Diameter: 1.375 Inches

Circumference: 4.32 Inches

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Vera W.
A must-have for your health !!!!

I am a breast cancer survivor and 5 yrs ago - before I started chemo - my oncologist gave me info about vaginal and vulvar health. I was post menopause and - after she recommended I use moisturizers and a dilator to get my vagina/vulva in the best of health - I started using vulva dilators 5 times a week. Norte: Chemo is full of what I call drying agent effects. What I found is that even during chemo my vaginal health improved. Astoundingly my internal Pap smear and other exams no longer hurt and still no longer hurt. I am 72 now and still no pain (I use vuva to this day b/c it works, and I feel great and less “old” or “resigned to accepting what I don’t have to accept! .. and feel like I have reclaimed a part of my body that I assumed was aging in a way that was inevitable. It certainly is not. We are our own worst enemies.

Ask yourself this … how much $$$$ and time have you put into moisturizers and creams etc for your face … so why do we not pay the same type of attention (and it is less expensive!) to our internal and external female genitalia? Vuvatech expanders, dilators, inserters - whatever you call them - are clean and make a big difference. The magnetic ones are a must have. Blood flow is the name of the game and the magnets are the key. All this.created by.a woman who knows and has the background to think about and develop the design etc.

My oncology team had sex therapist also and Vuvatech was absolutely on the list of safe recommended alternatives. I owe my health and lightness of step to Vuva and Tara!! Please take the time to treat yourself!

Sally Painter
Go to device for intimacy.

I use the dialator prior to sex every time. It makes my experience (and my husband's) pain free and allows us to focus on intimacy and being present.

Thank you for sharing. Yes, using the magnetic dilators right before intercourse is our favorite therapy trick. It helps create blood flow to relax those muscles for easy penetration.